-- Leo's gemini proxy

-- Connecting to ait.place:1965...

-- Connected

-- Sending request

-- Meta line: 20 text/gemini;lang=en

Bringing HTMX to Gemini: A Thought Experiment

Why Bother?

At first glance, Gemini might seem a tad... minimalist. Especially when you contrast it with the bustling, ever-changing world of HTTP where htmx is emerging as the cool kid trying to cut down on JavaScript reliance. So, the thought arises: can we mix a dash of htmx into Gemini and spice things up?

Quick Detour: What's HTMX?

In case you've managed to dodge the web development bullet, you might be wondering what htmx is. It's been around, subtly influencing things, and only recently stepping into the limelight.

Its main goal? Making websites interactive without a heavy dose of JavaScript. Here's a sneak peek:

  <button hx-post="/click" hx-swap="outerHTML">Click Me!</button>

Hit the button, and your page gets a mini makeover based on what the server says. Surprisingly, this little trick can replicate a bunch of functionality we see on the web today.

Gemini's Purity

Gemini's beauty is in its simplicity. But introducing an htmx twist might be like adding a plot twist in a straightforward story. While it might deviate a bit from the original essence, it could open doors to a realm of interactivity without losing its core principle: no client-side scripting.

What About Going Offline?

Ah, the catch! With htmx, browsing every nook and cranny of Gemini offline might become a challenge. But the main content will still be there. And who knows, there might be ways to smartly preload interactive bits.

Imagining the Implementation

How would this look in action? Here’s a rough idea:

% /liked Enjoying this post?

Depending on the server's mood, it might swap it for "% /unlike Changed your mind?" or "% /unlike Liked it before? Un-like now?"

The "%" is akin to htmx's "hx-swap=innerHTML", but htmx has a lot more up its sleeve that could inspire Gemini's implementation.

Wrapping Up

This idea's still in its infancy, and it needs some feedback love. Is it genius? Is it too much? Let’s brainstorm!

- Email: me@ait.place

- Fedi: @ait@ait.place

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-- Page fetched on Tue Jun 18 01:21:43 2024